

ポケモンブラック英語版に出てくる単語  Nuvema TownからAccumula Townまで



1.inhabit :住む

This world is widely inhabited by mysterious creatures called Pokemon!

2.complement :補完する

Living and working together, we complement each other.
3.one another :お互い

Having Pokemon battle one another is particularly popular, and it deepens the bonds between people and Pokemon.
4.flighty :気まぐれな

She's a little flighty, but she works very hard.
5.truly :全く、本当に
6.What's keeping Bianca?

7.take a peek :のぞき見する

OK, ○○, you go first and take a peek at the gift box.
8.alongside :~と一緒に 

People live alongside Pokemon in this world.
9.settle :確定させる(多義語)
10.politely :丁寧に、礼儀正しく

Please settle your choices politely.
11.how come :なぜ、どうして?

Cheren: Hey, how come you get to pick out my Pokemon?
12.honestly :本当に
13.worrywart :心配性の人
14.Leer :流し目、横目、色目
15.awesome :素晴らしい、最高の
16.I can tell :私には分かります
○○, you're gonna be an awesome Trainer someday, I can tell!
17.amazing :驚くほどの
18.restore :回復させる
I'll restore your Pokemon for you
19.fix up :回復させる
20.messy :乱雑な

It'll be no problem for me to keep the room from getting any messier.
21.shelf :棚(複shelves)

Goods are arranged on the shelves in a very orderly fashion.
22.infrared :赤外線
23.blink of an eye :一瞬
24.overprotective :過保護

Don't mind my husband, dear. He's just being overprotective.
25.Diligent :勤勉な、熱心な
26.conscientious :良心的な、根気強い
27.Take a whiff :ちょっとにおいをかぐ
28.fragrance :香り
29.as for :~に関しては

As for why I gave all of you Pokemon...
30.extensively :広く

You have already studied Pokemon extensively, haven't you?
31.sake :目的、利益

Still, let me explain everything from the beginning, for everyone's sake.
32.courageous :勇気のある
33.blaze :燃え盛る、バリバリとこなす

What I want to hear are the courageous words of people who will blaze new paths around the world!
34.tidy up :きれいに片付ける

I'll take care of tidying up.
35.paralyze :まひさせる
36.wrap this up: おしまい

And to wrap this up in the best way, I have a gift for you--some Poke Balls!
37.head to :~に向かう

I'm heading to Accumula Town, too.
38.opponents :敵対する相手

It faces strong opponents with great courage.
39.flee :逃げる

But, when at a disadvantage in a fight, this intelligent Pokemon flees.
38.vine whip :つるのムチ
39.faint :気絶、失神
40.incidentally :ちなみに

Incidentally, if you check your Pokedex, you'll see how many Pokemon you've found and how many you've caught.